Business loans are terrific for turning expansion dreams into reality or paying expenses in a lull, but they can also become a drag if they’re hard to repay or carry high annual interest rates.
Like consumers with an assortment of credit card debts, businesses with multiple loans can face tricky payment decisions that can be a burden on operations. For many, the solution is loan consolidation, restructuring debt to lower interest payments and combine a folder full of loans into a single payment.
Clarity Financial Solutions and our client partners share common concerns with controling benefit costs, employee education and promotion of improving individual health and wellness. By focusing on this shared vision, we achieve cost effective solutions and employee satisfaction to enhance the client partner's bottom line.
Building a retirement income strategy starts with a realistic look at what you'd like your retirement to be like—and what that lifestyle will likely cost—establishing your priorities and understanding the tradeoffs of each option. That can result in something of a balancing act for your emotional as well as financial life. There is no one-size-fits-all retirement, and as such there's certainly no one-size-fits-all retirement portfolio.
An Executive Bonus Plan, also referred to as Section 162 Plan, is a non-qualified plan used by employers to provide special compensation to key executives. The employers' contribution to an executive bonus plan is considered salary to the executive and is therefore subject to taxation.
A buy–sell agreement, also known as a buyout agreement, is a legally binding agreement between co-owners of a business that governs the situation if a co-owner dies or is otherwise forced to leave the business, or chooses to leave the business.
Business valuation includes the provision of either valuation opinion or valuation consulting services for the valuation of aggregate business interests or business enterprises. Such analyses are performed for: Transaction planning. Purchase or sale of business. General business purposes.